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With around 550M of India’s 1.2B population aged under 25, an estimated 12M young people will be entering the country’s job market each year for the next two decades, but only about 2% of new jobseekers as yet have had formal training. Companies regularly complain of the intense difficulty of finding appropriately skilled, employable workers for jobs such as sales or customer service, while poorly-educated young people struggle to find remunerative work.

The 3 pillars of education are:

You have built a strong foundation by studying through your 10th, 12th, Graduation or Post Graduation.

  • KNOWING – Formal education is predominantly in the area of KNOWING which technical knowledge you have gained. But, this is not 100% as most formal curriculum don’t reflect the current needs of the industry.
  • DOING – which is the application of technical knowledge is very limited till graduation, post graduates have on the job training etc, but that too is not fully in sync with what the employer is looking for, hence limited.
  • BEING – which addresses the behavioral / soft skills aspect is practically missing from the Indian formal curriculum, if present it is just another subject taught in a classroom with limited experiential learning, hence not much is assimilated and imbibed into one’s personality.

As young adults you need to invest in the your K and B to give yourself the edge in employability. Augment your KNOWING with job specific certifications & courses so that you are knowledgeable about the job and have an edge in the interview amongst the many other aspirants.

Invest in your BEING as well with soft skills programs to build your personality across Communication, Spoken English, Grooming and Hygiene, Resume creation, Interviewing skills etc.JFY is equipped to provide all the technical job related courses across Banking, Retail, Hospitality, that are needed by the youth to enhance your knowledge and build their capability to max the job interview

Employability Depends on :

  • YOUR assets in terms of the knowledge, skills and attitudes you possess. (K&B)
  • The way YOU use and deploy those assets. (D)
  • The way YOU present them to employers. (Sell)

Employability depends on many other elements then just the degree/qualification you have as shown below. You need to build all the elements to be able to shine and get your DREAM JOB.

Where are SKILLS developed?

  • In your classroom.
  • In your interaction with Faculty/Students.
  • In your internship.
  • In your assessments.
  • In your tasks given to you by your tutors.
  • Specific modules relating to skills development.

Before you get ready to sell your skills to employers you need to build them from various sources:

  • Your graduation / post graduation curriculum.
  • Incremental job / industry specific certifications.
  • On the job trainings / internships / Projects.
  • Activities in Social networks – Linked In, Blogs, FB etc.

A set of achievements, understandings and personal attributes that make individuals more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen careers. (Knight and Yorke).

Quick Contact


A resume is your identification, something unique about you, to show prospective employers who and what you are.Your resume shows an employer that you care about a) your time and b) their time. It shows that you cared enough to take the time out of your day to create an informational page about your past job experience, education and contact info to give them so that they would take note of why they would hire you.


If you want to create a fresh resume then Click here and create your own CV for FREE

JFY Edge

You can join our Campus to Corporate Program called UTONIC and undergo a session on preparing your perfect CV which will land you your dream job


Now days this is the latest trend of submitting your CV. Creating a video CV needs planning and execution. There are some key points one needs to take care of in order to make a good video CV like keeping it short, dressing correctly, talking slowly etc.


If you want to create a fresh video resume then Click here and create your own CV for FREE

JFY Edge

You can join our Campus to Corporate Program called UTONIC and undergo a session on preparing your perfect CV which will land you your dream job


The purpose of the aptitude test is to test your work related perceptions, judgment and reasoning. In other words, your day to day activities on the job. In an aptitude test there is one correct answer, however the key to the test is how quickly you are able to arrive at the correct answer. As such, aptitude tests are carried out under timed conditions. According to psychologists, intelligence is based on concepts known as fluid and crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence is determined by the ability to think, reason and solve problems. Often this is more commonly known as the ability to “think on your feet”. This element of intelligence is not normally linked to independent past experiences or education. It also determines how quickly you are able to pick up new skills and learn new information. This is supported by Jaeggi et al. who state that fluid intelligence is a complex human ability. It allows us to adapt our thinking to a new cognitive problem or situation, as such, fluid intelligence is critical for a wide variety of cognitive tasks, many of which are used in the employment environment. It is also considered to be one of the most important factors in learning.
In contrast, crystallized intelligence is the ability to use prior experiences and education and apply it to the new scenario. This type of intelligence is based upon facts and as such, crystallized intelligence improves with age.
Different employers will put different emphasis on testing these two parameters depending on the nature of the role or position. Your results achieved will be compared with others in the group (called a control) and a judgment will be taken on whether you progress.

There are a number of important facts about the aptitude test one should be aware of:

  • Approximately only 15% of all applicants pass the aptitude test successfully
  • InYour aptitude test results are usually kept or frozen for a period of time, most commonly a period of 2 years, during which you will not be able to repeat the aptitude tests.
  • The results of the psychometric tests in general and the aptitude tests in particular make up approximately 40-50% of your final score in the assessment centre.

The threshold for passing an aptitude test changes from one employer to the next. Some organizations will place a minimum threshold (e.g. 75%) in order to pass the aptitude testing part. Yet others decide that regardless of the score only the top few candidates will move on to the next stage of the assessment center.

JFY Edge

Call our Counselor at 1800 2700 719 for a FREE Session. She will then guide you to the assessments you can take (for a small fee)

You can join our Campus to Corporate Program called UTONIC and undergo a session on preparing your perfect CV which will land you your dream job


The process of career counseling can be broken down into five stages. Each of these stages must be carried out in order to achieve success. The stages also need to be implemented in the correct order. The process of career counseling cannot be rushed if you want good results.

If you are reading this post, chances are that you have arrived at a crossroads in your career. You do not know which way to turn, and perhaps you are also feeling a little scared. Seeking the help of a career counselor will allow you to make the decision you find yourself unable to do right now.

Stage One - Getting to Know You

The first stage of your counseling is known as the initiation stage. Here you will get to know your counselor and he will get to know you. At this stage it is vital to start building up a rapport with your chosen mentor or coach. If the relationship is not going to work, then you need to seek an alternative counselor. This will be through no fault of your own. But, having a counselor you are comfortable talking too is extremely important. She will need to gather data about you, your interest and what your parents see as your strengths and what are they expectations.

Stage Two : Exploration

This analytical stage will include some tests, and you will have your social behavior assessed, as well as your personality and your career interests. With this information, and your job experience discussed, it is time to move on to a one on one interaction with your counselor that will allow you to discover what avenues and paths are open to you.

Stage Three - Decision Making

By this stage, different paths will have been explored, and a decision needs to be made. You, your counselor, and your parents will need to reach a common ground. Any barriers that are stopping you for choosing a career will be ruled out. The most appropriate options will be selected for your career, and a critical decision will be made. Correct counseling will explore which path is actually the right one for you, and not just for your parents.

Stage Four - Preparation

At this stage, all avenues will have been explored and decisions will have been made. Now is the time to prepare a plan of action. This plan will allow you to go down your chose route and succeed. Resources necessary will be made available at this stage, as well as a backup plan.

Stage Five - Final Stage

The final stage is the implementation of the plan. You will be given goals, and deadlines to achieve. This is perhaps for you the most exciting stage. The hard work you have put in will get you to the place you want to be in your life, and that you will no longer be stuck at a crossroads.

JFY Edge

Call 1800 2700 719 for fixing an appointment with our Counselor.


This is where the rubber meets the road. The final test before you get your DREAM JOB

JFY Edge

You can also join our Campus to Corporate Program called UTONIC and undergo a session where we hone your INTERVIEW Skills so you can successfully complete your Interview.


Bridge the gap between the employer and the candidate

As per Aspiring Minds Employability Report placed on Indian Graduates 2013 India produces five million graduates every year. Engineers comprise a significant part of it at around six hundred thousand. 47% graduates are not employable in any sector of the knowledge economy.
English and Computer Skills dampening smaller town employability prospects significantly. Education system promoting rote learning instead of actual application of concepts. Over 40% employable graduates beyond the top 30% colleges have no way to signal their employability to potential recruiters.
Jobs for Youth (JFY) has been set up with the aim of bridging the gap between the employer and the candidate.

Our ability to recruit from small town India

We are able to assist corporate in recruitment not just from the big metros but also Tier 3 and 4 towns. We have accessed over 250 cities over 20 states.

JFY Edge

Call our Counselor on 1800 2700 719 for a FREE Session. You will then be guided on the assessments you can take.


Keen to look at part-time, freelancing opportunities
Then REGISTER with us by filling the below form and we will reach out to you whenever we have the right opportunity for you

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Company Job Role From To CTC Responsibilities